J. William Lloyd - Freedom Hill - My Neighbor

J. William Lloyd
I have started researching on my old friend J. William Lloyd. He died in 1940 at age 83.

From Wikipedia:

John William Lloyd (J. William Lloyd) (June 4, 18571940) was an American individualist anarchist.

He based his individualist anarchism upon natural law, rather than on egoism as Benjamin Tucker did; this was a source of conflict amidst otherwise friendly relations between Tucker and himself. Lloyd later modified his position to minarchism.

Lloyd moved to California in the early 1920s and built a house on Freedom Hill. He set up a small community called Freedom Hill somewhere in present day Sun Valley, CA.

Freedom Hill was founded by Leroy Henry in 1913, and it was Henry who gave it its name. Lloyd, who hadn't seen Henry since the 1880's, visited him there in 1915, and in 1922, upon moving to California, he purchased from Henry a small plot on the Hill, on which he built his house. There was a loose colony on Freedom Hill, but Lloyd lived apart from it.

Many of his works were published by the Freedom Hill Pressery. Lloyd listed his address as Swallow's Nest, Freedom Hill, Roscoe, California.

A press was run by Lloyd's friend, LeRoy "Freedom Hill" Henry M.D. Freedom Hill Henry published many obscure, low run editions on various spiritual topics. You can read one his tract titled: Freedom Hill: The Place of Evergreen Happiness by clicking here.

Does anyone know where Freedom Hill was? I am guessing that it was in La Tuna Canyon. If you think you know, please email me here. I know where it was now.

El Mono, time-traveling Bonobo

Photo Credits:

Above from University of Michigan Archives, J. William Lloyd.

Below right from Los Angeles Times, Freedom Hill Henry

Below left from Google Books

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